Thursday, February 9, 2012


We are excited to announce that we are expecting another boy!  We are very thrilled and happy to know the baby is healthy (the ultrasound tech did a very in depth exam of the baby) and it growing normally.  He is around 12 oz and just guessing around 7 inches in length.  :)  I know I was feeling girl the whole time but the more I think about it, I think it was wishful thinking.  Not that I'm disappointed in having another boy, I just wanted a little girl so badly.  So if this baby is for sure a boy (which according to the ultrasound, it is a very OBVIOUS boy) we will have a bunch of baby girl stuff to get rid of. 

One thing that we are concerned about is the fact that there is a very good possibility that I will have another premature baby.  Apparently the placenta is very close to my cervix (TMI maybe? ;}) so they want me to come back at 32 weeks to do another ultrasound to see if that is still the case.  If that is still the case, I'm not sure what they will want me to do.  I hope not bed rest.  Logan came 5 weeks early and the doctor that came in to talk to us yesterday says there is that good chance that this little man could come that early too.  If that's the case, I only have 15 more weeks to go.  AAAHHHHH!!!   If I can make it to 37 weeks, I'll be happy.  I'll keep everyone posted. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Prenatal Appts

It's been a while since I've posted anything on here.  I am 20 weeks along (half way done!!) and very tired.  I've been lucky that I haven't been sick at all during this pregnancy, just uncomfortable and tired.  I've gone to a couple of prenatal appointments and everything looks good.  I'm right where I'm supposed to be weight wise and the baby's heartbeat sounds very healthy and strong. One thing that is going to be interesting is the fact that my doctor will not be delivering my baby.  She is due two weeks before me!  Crazy!   We find out this coming Wednesday if we are having a boy or a girl (will I believe it, probably not).  We will also be doing Fetal Fotos later in the month to see if both ultrasounds match up or not.  Ryan feels that we are having a girl this time and I've felt that the whole time too.  We shall see....  :)