Thursday, December 2, 2010

Stop asking me the same question!!

It's been a while since I've posted anything. People have often asked me "Why haven't you guys gotten pregnant yet with your second." Well, let me tell you why. We have too much going on with Logan right now. He still might have to have another surgery (we'll find out on Dec. 7 from his Urologist), and money wise we can't afford another one. I somewhat wish some would mind their own business when it comes to us having another child. We are the ones having to provide for the kid not everyone else. It is completely up to Ryan and I and right now, we don't feel that it would be fair to bring another child in this world and either have to ignore that one because Logan had to go through another surgery and I have to tend to his every needs or ignore Logan because the new baby needs me. Once we know that Logan is all fixed up and we get a few things paid off, darn rights we'll have another. If Logan is around 4 or so once the next one comes along, so be it.

Gee can ya tell I have some anger that I need to work through? Whew! I feel better now. :)


Harmony said...

LOL! People ask me that all the time and Sophie is 3 and Oliver is only 20 months!

Don't wait too long though, it is so much fun to watch them play together :)

The Herren's said...

Thanks ladies! I don't want to wait too long, but we have to do what's right for us. Trust me, I'm getting to that point where I want to say bug off!!