Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Logan's 2 year appointment

Logan had his 2 year appointment yesterday. My little preemie weighs 19 lbs. 9 oz. and is 32 inches tall. His doctor is still worried about his weight. I'm not at all. He doesn't realize how active Logan is (even though I have told him I don't know how many times). He burns off more calories then he takes in, but he's still healthy, just a skinny butt. Doctors can't just go completely off of the charts because every kid is different and develops differently. The one bit of news I wasn't expecting is Logan now has a heart murmur (which apparently it is common in preemies for some problems like this to show up later). We have an appointment with a cardiologist up at Primary Childrens on January 10 to see what is going on. Then 8 days later we have another appointment with his Urologist up there to see if we are officially done with surgeries. Whew! So if anyone needs a grand tour of Primary Children's give me a call. Ryan and I pretty much know where everything is now ;)

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