Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My tiny little boy

We took Logan into the doc to see if he has gained any weight since we started him on this medicine to increase his appetite. He did gain 2 pounds. My 21 almost 22 month old is up to 18 lbs. 9 oz. The doctor FINALLY realizes that his body would rather grow taller then gain weight (his doc had been giving me crap for quite sometime about him not gaining weight. Like I can force him to eat). For being born a premmie, Logan is taller then what he is supposed to be. He's around 32 inches tall. My little man can finally fit into his size 12 month footy pj's! He still can't fit into any size 12 month pants; they are just too big around for his skinny butt! I love him!!


Harmony said...

BACON!!! JK He looks perfect:)

The Herren's said...

It's fuuny too because I do feed him, not only the good stuff, but fatty stuff too. He just burns it off so quickly because he goes NONE STOP!