Saturday, January 30, 2010

Playing with Mommy's phone.

Reading Harmony's post reminded me of what Logan did the other day. We had gotten up in the morning and came downstairs so I could make Logan his breakfast. While I was making breakfast, I noticed that he was very quiet in the other room. I went in there and he had my phone and it was flipped open. I ran over there and said "Sh*t! You are going to call someone!!" I grabbed the phone from him and closed it and then realized that he did call someone at 8:08 in the morning. He had called my parents and quietly kept saying "Hi" to them. They thought it was hilarious. The other funny thing is when I called them back to explain that Logan had got a hold of my phone, I received a text message from Ryan. Apparently before calling grandma and grandpa, he decided (and don't ask me how) text his father a blank text message. Oh my child is so funny!!


The Holders said...

Gage's favorite toys are our phones. He calls people all of the time. It drives us crazy! I don't know how he always gets a hold of them.
I have a friend that her little boy called 911!

Lalis said...

HAHAHA!! I can just see your reaction! So cute though!

Harmony said...

At least it wasn't 911... or an x boy friend!!! I always worry about that.